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Bryant Richardson

Founder / President

Bryant Richardson is a recognized expert in customer engagement, customer experience (CX), and customer service. For over 30 years, he has led executive teams in customer experience management (CXM), earning accolades as a transformative leader in the field.

His career includes pivotal C-Suite and other key executive roles, driving operational excellence and leveraging technology to enhance customer experiences. Bryant has delivered goal-busting results for top-tier brands like Apple, AT&T, Bell Canada, Charter, Citigroup, Dell, and numerous others.

A graduate of the University of Texas, Arlington College of Business, Bryant consistently maximizes ROI by investing in people, process improvement, and technology to achieve superior results. His unwavering commitment is to deliver on the promise of blue-sky customer engagement – turning visionary ideas into real-world success.

But it didn’t start there. Bryant’s journey in customer experience is rooted in a lifetime of learning and curiosity. As a child, he was always building and optimizing, using construction and engineering toys like his massive Lego collection and Girder & Panel sets to bring his visions to life.

Growing up, his innate desire to improve everything around him – a trait that aligns with his Enneagram Type 1 personality, known as the perfectionist or improver – laid the foundation for his deep expertise in enhancing customer experiences. His inquisitive nature led him to understand how things worked, often taking items apart just to see their inner workings – sometimes to the chagrin of his parents.

Witnessing firsthand the challenges and rewards of running a business from his entrepreneurial father, Bryant learned what it takes to manage a small- to medium-sized enterprise. This early exposure, combined with his pre-career jobs in retail and sales & service, gave him a deep understanding of customer interactions and business operations.

With his roots in entrepreneurship and small- to medium-sized businesses, Bryant recognized the value of applying his expertise in delivering world-class customer experiences from global enterprises to small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

“Many organizations struggle to engage their customers. I founded Real Blue Sky to empower growth-minded SMB leaders to craft compelling experiences that attract and retain customers.” ~ Bryant Richardson

This vision led him to found Real Blue Sky to translate world-class CX strategies into practical, impactful solutions tailored for growth-minded SMB business leaders. The mission is to help businesses turn their blue-sky customer engagement aspirations into reality – that’s real blue sky®.

Bryant Richardson is also a highly-rated speaker and the author of numerous industry articles and his forthcoming book, The Next CX Economy.

Outside of his professional life, Bryant is deeply committed to his community, generously sharing his time, talents, and resources with organizations like Embrace Waiting Children, a nonprofit dedicated to social services and child welfare, where he leverages his skills to make a substantial impact.

When stepping away from his duties, Bryant enjoys exploring the scenic byways of North Texas on his motorcycle and delighting friends and family with his culinary creations at his Dallas-area home.

Bryant Richardson

Podcast Appearances

avaya podcast-the experience

The Experience

Avaya’s Chris Bain speaks with Bryant Richardson, CIO for Skybridge Americas, about enhancing the customer and employee experience through cloud.


Bryant Richardson Keynote Speaking Topics

Reinvigorating Inside Sales Channels

After years of great success with inside sales, a financial services client’s lead generation contact center was floundering. Delve into the strategies that overhauled the customer experience through messaging and campaign management strategy, resulting in doubling results (97%) and tripling results, respectively – a 6X performance improvement. This presentation includes an interactive session to answer questions and discuss strategies or challenges the audience is experiencing.

Exploring Disparate Data to Unlock Customer Value

Very often, we have so much disparate data in the contact center, it can be challenging to connect the data, let alone make meaningful use of it.  Call detail records can tell you how much queue time, talk time, hold time a particular caller experienced – and even that they called back twice after abandoning. And while it may tell you which number they dialed or option they selected, it doesn’t really tell you what they called about. Your trouble ticket system has the details about why the customer called – about two separate issues – yet has nothing about how frustrated the client was with the lengthy hold time that led to abandoned calls.

Explore a case study in which telephony, CRM, case management and survey data was merged to better understand customers, best practices, training needs. The net result was even better customer experiences, gains in employee experience and lower costs.

This presentation concludes with an interactive session to answer questions and discuss strategies or challenges the audience is experiencing.

Are you missing opportunities to add value and reduce cost? Let’s talk about seizing your opportunities.