The right tools can transform Employee Experience – tools like AI, the composable desktop, self-service and PRB. Poor employee experience is likely the root of more bad customer experiences than…
At Real Blue Sky, we’re all about the customer experience, so it’s no surprise when we write directly about the customer experience. But after decades in the industry, we’ve seen…
Job aids give your employees the right information exactly when & where they need it, allowing them to provide a great customer experience. “We don’t rise to the level of…
Covid has changed customer expectations and experience. We think these 3 Responses to Pandemic-Related Consumer Behavior Changes will help brands adapt. “The times they are a-changin’.” Bob Dylan wrote those words…
Your customers are always watching, and their experiences with every level of your organization can have significant impact. When my children were small and would misbehave around Christmastime, I would…
Many businesses are struggling to provide great CX despite shipping delays. There is no reason the challenges your business is currently facing with supply chain and shipping must ruin your…
Sanely working at home day-in and day-out isn't easy. In the midst of so many people suddenly thrust into the world of working from home, I’ve had a number of…
I recently had the opportunity to talk about employee relations in the contact center in the process of growing their customer service team. The Human Resources executive responsible for talent…
Recently I had a good social media customer experience - but one that was unnecessary and could have been avoided. It was the best of experiences. It was the worst…